The Director of Digital and Technology at PT Bumi Resources Tbk, Himawan Setiadi, and his team visited Universitas Gadjah Mada.
The visit aimed to explore the potential for strategic cooperation to promote digital transformation within the mining company and offer students internship opportunities.
The delegation was received by UGM Vice Rector for Education and Learning, Professor Wening Udasmoro, in the Rector’s Room on Wednesday (Oct. 30).
Himawan Setiadi stated that Bumi Resources offers a cross-disciplinary internship program to UGM students. This program is intended to fill potential human resource gaps.
“So, we offer this to students, and they should not be surprised if they find themselves working in forest environments,” he said.
In addition to internships, PT Bumi Resources expressed strong interest in exploring broader collaboration opportunities with UGM. These include partnerships related to research and development (R&D) in digitalization and mining operations.
Professor Udasmoro welcomed Bumi Resources’ internship offer for UGM students. She also expressed hope that Bumi Resources would offer scholarship programs to UGM students so that after graduation, the scholarship recipients could contribute to Bumi Resources.
Professor Udasmoro also hopes Bumi Resources leadership can offer guest lectures at UGM to enhance academic programs. Such events would allow students to gain new insights into the mining industry.
“A lecture delivered by the director while simultaneously opening recruitment for those interested in working at Bumi Resources would be beneficial,” she explained.
PT Bumi Resources Tbk is one of Indonesia’s largest mining companies. It is currently initiating digital transformation through the implementation of an Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) project based on System Application and Processing (SAP) at PT Bumi Resources Tbk and its subsidiaries, including Kaltim Prima Coal, Aurtmin Indonesia, Bumi Resources Minerals, and Pendopo Energi Batubara.
To ensure the successful implementation of this project, PT Bumi Resources Tbk will involve several resources from related departments, such as finance, human resources, mining operations, mining support, and IT.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photographer: Donnie
Post-editor: Afif