Yogyakarta, Nov. 4, 2024 – The UGM Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB UGM) has responded to discussions circulating on social media regarding plagiarism allegations involving lecturers from its Department of History.
The allegations concern the history books “Madiun: Sejarah Politik dan Transformasi Kepemerintahan dari Abad XIV ke Abad XXI” and “Raden Rangga Prawiradirdja III Bupati Madiun 1796-1810: Sebuah Biografi Politik,” authored by Dr. Sri Margana and collaborators. Reports claim that sections of these works are derived from “Kuasa Ramalan” (2019) by Peter Carey.
FIB UGM takes these allegations seriously. In light of the concerns, the faculty leadership has formed a team to conduct a thorough investigation. The investigation results will be disclosed to the public promptly upon completion.
Dean of FIB UGM
Professor Setiadi