The Indonesian Emergency Health Volunteer Community (KREKI) has established a presence in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY), with dentist Rini Sunaring Putri sworn in as Chair of the KREKI Yogyakarta Board for the 2023 – 2027 term.
KREKI Yogyakarta aims to provide consultation services and assistance in emergencies while increasing public awareness of emergency health.
The swearing-in of the KREKI Yogyakarta Board for the 2023 – 2027 term was conducted by Dr. Supriyantoro, the Chair of the KREKI Central Board.
All KREKI Yogyakarta officials attended the inauguration, which took place at the UGM Academic Hospital on Sunday (September 10).
During the swearing-in ceremony, Dr. Supriyantoro explained that the Indonesian Emergency Health Volunteer Community (KREKI) is an association for emergency health volunteers based on information technology applications.
KREKI was founded on December 5, 2018, on World Volunteer Day in Jakarta, Indonesia.
“The speed and accuracy of emergency assistance provided to victims by the community are crucial,” he noted.
“Therefore, a system and organization are needed to integrate the presence of people needing assistance/victims with volunteers certified in Basic Life Support (BLS) to provide rapid and accurate emergency assistance.”
The newly appointed KREKI Yogyakarta Chair hopes that KREKI’s presence in Yogyakarta can provide consultation services and assistance in emergencies. In addition, the KREKI organization can increase public awareness regarding emergency health.
During the board inauguration, KREKI Yogyakarta also conducted Basic Life Support (BLS) training with expert speakers in emergencies from Jakarta and Yogyakarta.
The training covered techniques for assisting individuals with cardiac arrest, choking on foreign objects, lightning and electrical shocks, drowning, victim transportation, and bandaging.
Author: UGM Academic Hospital
Editor: Agung Nugroho