UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) has received the Best Archive Management Award for 2024.
The Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching, Professor Wening Udasmoro, presented the award to the Vice Dean for Finance, Assets, and Human Resources of Animal Science UGM, Dr. Andriyani Astuti, during the 11th-anniversary event of the Gadjah Mada Archive Forum (FORSIPAGAMA) on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024, at the UGM Archive Office.
Professor Udasmoro stated that this award recognizes the faculty’s commitment to maintaining the quality and integrity of their archive management system.
Dr. Astuti explained that the Animal Science UGM Archive is supported by skilled archival human resources, including junior archivist Sri Lestari, who is proficient in archival principles and ensures excellent archive management.
The various types of archives managed include personal student files, research reports, community service reports, scientific publications, archives of scientific activity publications (such as the livestock bulletin and seminar proceedings), photographs, several electronic archives, and other documents.
“Animal Science UGM’s Archive has managed its archives in accordance with applicable regulations. The archivists can also provide fast response services,” Dr. Astuti stated on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024.
In addition to human resources, the standards for archival facilities and infrastructure at the faculty are also well met.
The faculty’s archive has been equipped with archive shelves, archive boxes, and more. The workspace is comfortable and organized, with separate areas for archive storage.
Administrative staff member Nurma Diani Sekarsih noted that this award encourages the Animal Science UGM Archive Unit to improve archive management.
“Support from leadership is needed, including efforts to enhance staff knowledge and funding sources, as well as excellent service to users,” Sekarsih concluded.
Reporter: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Author: Bolivia Rahmawati
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Lintang