Hypertension remains a leading cause of high-category deaths in Indonesia.
According to data from the 2023 Indonesian Health Survey, the Ministry of Health states that hypertension is the fourth highest risk factor for death, accounting for 10.2 percent.
One of the main causes of high blood pressure is the kidneys’ conversion of angiotensin I into angiotensin II.
Therefore, one way to reduce blood pressure is to inhibit ACE activity so that it does not convert angiotensin I to angiotensin II, thereby lowering ACE function.
Professor Yuny Erwanto, a lecturer at the UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM), and his team are exploring the potential of collagen protein from Garut sheep skin to be isolated and hydrolyzed into oligopeptides as an antihypertensive agent.
This research is being conducted with international researchers from IATA Spain, led by Professor Fidel Toldra.
He explained that the protein in Garut sheep farming products is broken down by various enzymes in the body.
After breaking down into simple peptides, the natural protein, which initially had no bioactive capability, acquires bioactivity. In commercial terms, this protein is often referred to as oligopeptide protein.
“This protein, broken down into a shorter form, is then known as bioactive peptide. This protein has specific activities that help improve human health,” he said on Thursday (Dec. 5).
Professor Erwanto says the search for bioactive protein sources from livestock-based food continues. So far, the public has often believed that livestock products such as meat, milk, and eggs cause hypertension, but this is not accurate.
Professor Erwanto emphasized that these foods are beneficial sources of protein if consumed correctly, which means eating the meat and not the fat.
“Research data shows that the potential of collagen protein from Garut sheep skin can serve as a bioactive agent for antihypertensive inhibitors. Research is still ongoing, and it is hoped that future studies will yield bioactive peptide sequences that could be marketed as natural antihypertensive agents,” concluded Professor Erwanto, a researcher of livestock-based food products.
Report: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Author: Tiefany
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Photo: Goodnewsfromindonesia
Post-editor: Afif