The UGM Library and Archives, in collaboration with the Association of Higher Education Archivists (PAPTI), organized the International Conference on Archives, Social Science, Humanities, and Education (ICoASHE 2024).
The event occurred at the UC Hotel on Oct. 28-29, 2024.
The conference aimed to provide a platform for academics, researchers, and practitioners to exchange the latest insights and research findings in archives, social sciences, humanities, and education while raising awareness about archival management in higher education.
UGM’s Secretary, Dr. Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu, expressed in his remarks that he hoped this international conference would allow archivists to share and expand their knowledge on archival management.
“Through this meeting, we can better understand each other’s challenges. We hope this gathering can resolve issues and improve archival practices in the future,” Dr. Tonralipu stated.
The Head of UGM Library and Archives, Arif Surachman, explained that the purpose of this international conference was to explore and share experiences and raise awareness of the importance of archiving.
“There are many aspects of archives that we must preserve for a long time as authentic evidence of an institution’s or a nation’s journey,” he remarked.
Surachman added that the conference was primarily intended for archivists, especially researchers in archiving.
“I believe this event also serves as a platform for participants or presenters to showcase their ideas on archival development,” he said.
Although UGM’s archives already meet the required standards, Surachman acknowledged that work remains to improve UGM’s archival practices. He mentioned that several faculties are still not up to standard.
“Due to the numerous requests regarding archives, it has become a target for UGM Library and Archives to guide colleagues in faculties so that archival management can be improved,” he noted.
The two-day conference, themed Sustainable Archiving, Education, and Cultural Preservation on a Global Approach, focused on four subthemes:
(1) Embracing the Digital Transformation: Innovations and Challenges in Archiving, Education, and Cultural Preservation,
(2) Integrating Sustainable Practices in Archival Systems: Lessons from Best Practices,
(3) Cultural Heritage Preservation in the Digital Age: Global Cases and Comparative Studies,
(4) The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Archiving, Education, and Cultural Heritage Documentation.
Some of the speakers present included Professor Wening Udasmoro, Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching at UGM, and Professor Nandang Alamsah D, Chair of PAPTI.
Four keynote speakers were also present: Professor Sue McKemmish from Monash University, Australia; Professor Yako Kozano from Aichi Prefectural University, Japan; Professor KJPFM (Charles) Jeurgens from the University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; and Widiatmoko Adi Putranto from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia.
Author: Lintang
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif