18,726 participants took the national entrance test (UTBK-SNBT) at the UGM campus. The exam was conducted over one week, from April 30 to May 7, 2024, with two daily sessions.
Professor Wening Udasmoro, the Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching at Universitas Gadjah Mada, mentioned that 14 exam locations were prepared, each accommodating approximately 1,455 participants simultaneously.
“The exam is conducted over one week. There are two sessions each day, except on Fridays. We have prepared 14 locations capable of accommodating 1,455 participants,” Professor Udasmoro told reporters during a visit to monitor and evaluate the UTBK-SNBT exam at the UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) building on Friday (May 5).
Several exam locations are situated at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UGM Library, MM FEB UGM, and the Vocational College.
Meanwhile, locations for participants with special needs are prepared in one of the rooms at the Tahir FK-KMK UGM building and the FEB UGM building.
“If there are students with special needs, we will place them there. The rooms prepared are comfortable enough for them to take the exam,” she explained.
Regarding the exam schedule, Professor Udasmoro said that it is divided into two sessions: the morning session starts from 06:45 to 11:00 AM WIB, while the afternoon session begins from 1:00 to 3:00 PM WIB. The exam content includes scholastic potential tests, Indonesian literacy, English literacy, and mathematical reasoning.
Responding to reporters’ questions about UGM’s efforts to prevent exam cheating syndicates and fraudulent acts by exam participants, the vice-rector emphasized that invigilators will closely monitor every participant.
This starts with checking the completeness of their identities and supporting documents. Participants are prohibited from bringing communication devices into the exam room.
“Before the exam, all participants are checked for completeness of their identity. Invigilators must ensure that the participant’s face matches the identity brought,” she explained.
“Invigilators also supervise participants, including prohibiting participants from bringing communication devices. The system is well-established. It is implemented whenever necessary and has been prepared well.”
During the three days of the exam, Professor Udasmoro mentioned that no cases of cheating or fraudulent acts have been found. As for latecomers, one participant arrived more than 30 minutes late and thus failed to take the exam. Meanwhile, there were around 8 participants who did not attend.
“The total number of absentees is eight people. Sometimes, participants who do not attend have already been accepted into universities, such as UGM or others,” she said.
Regarding the quota of new students admitted to UGM this year, Professor Udasmoro stated that UGM will accept 10,372 new students, consisting of 9,362 regular quota students and 1,010 IUP quota students.
Based on the percentage composition of new students based on admission paths, UGM accepts around 30% or 2,821 students from the SNBP path.
“Furthermore, the SNBT path is 30%, or 2,824, and the UM-CBT path is 40%, or 3,720,” she concluded.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Firsto