The Palestine-Israel conflict has resurfaced in the past few days. This was triggered by a Hamas attack on Israel in the southern Gaza Strip on Saturday, the 7th of October.
The attack is believed to respond to various pressures and attacks that Israel has carried out against Palestine over the years. So far, the casualties of the Palestine-Israel conflict are reported to have reached over 2,300 fatalities and 8,900 injuries on both sides.
Dr. Siti Mutiah Setiawati, an expert in international relations at UGM, revealed why Gaza often becomes a volatile area in the Palestine-Israel conflict.
“In Gaza, what I observe is like a periodic situation. Since 2008, Gaza has been a target for Israel’s attacks because Hamas is there. Hamas is a movement that aspires to Palestinian independence,” said Dr. Setiawati.
“Gaza was a territory formerly belonging to Egypt, then taken by Israel after the 1967 war. However, through the Oslo Agreement of 1993, Gaza became an autonomous region, not under Palestinian authority. It has remained in Israeli control de facto since 1967.”
Gaza has around 1.1 million inhabitants, making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world.
Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip are under constant pressure from Israel, including an international aid blockade, the cutting of electricity and water access, and inadequate living conditions.
Dr. Setiawati added that the position of Hamas within the Palestinian context is increasingly threatened by the peace agreements between Israel and Egypt, which could open up the possibility of peace between Israel and other Arab countries.
“So, when we look at this conflict, it results from Hamas feeling cornered. As a nation under occupation, it would be strange not to resist, especially when other countries support Israel, making it even more difficult for Hamas,” Dr. Setiawati added.
“This situation is similar to Indonesia’s struggle involving the United Nations. However, at the time, Indonesia didn’t rely solely on the use of force but also pursued negotiations.”
Numerous peace efforts have been made in the Palestine-Israel conflict. Unfortunately, these endeavors have often failed due to violations committed by both parties.
Indonesia consistently supports the cause of Palestinian independence, in line with its constitutional belief that all forms of colonization must be eradicated from the world.
The current situation presents an opportunity for the international community to pay more attention to the Palestine-Israel conflict.
Professor Mochtar Masoed explained that the United States had appeared to be less engaged in the Middle East conflict in recent years. However, this changed with the signing of the Abraham Accords, a cooperative agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates initiated by the U.S.
“The Abraham Accords signify a reconfiguration or realignment of the geopolitics in the Middle East due to America’s strategic reorientation. It’s important to remember that Iran’s influence also plays a role in this conflict,” said Professor Masoed.
“The Abraham Accords are seen as a diplomatic move to unite forces against Iran’s influence, which has led to the end of Israel’s isolation. As a result, the spirit of the Palestinian struggle has waned.”
The recurring Palestine-Israel conflict has many factors at play between the two parties. Hamas’s attacks on Israel are not the beginning of the conflict but rather part of a chain of political tensions that have been ongoing for years.
Peace between the two sides can be achieved with international attention and without the involvement of other interests. Through these efforts, it is hoped that the Palestine-Israel conflict will find a resolution and no longer endanger the lives of millions of civilian populations.
Author: Tasya
Photo: Tirto.id