A team of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) students, through the Student Creativity Program in the Social Sciences and Humanities Research field, has researched the values and local wisdom in Pencak Silat to address adolescent delinquency.
Ahmad Fadlulloh Al Husni (Psychology 2021), Winova Marsha Nashwa (Psychology 2021), Josephine (Cultural Anthropology 2021), Sylvia Latifa (Cultural Anthropology 2021), and Nasyawa Nurshafala (Social Development and Welfare 2022) conducted the research under the guidance of Dr. Restu Tri Handoyo.
The research collaborated with Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa Rayon UIN Sunan Kalijaga to delve into the important values of the martial art of Pagar Nusa and explore the experiences of its members regarding adolescent delinquency.
Ahmad Husni explained that the research began with concern about the prevalence of adolescent delinquency in several areas of the country. This situation requires the handling of cases through the values of local wisdom.
“Pencak Silat and its values are expected to be a unique local solution to address adolescent delinquency in Indonesia. The research serves as a means to explore the values and local wisdom in Pencak Silat that can transform delinquent behavior into a positive one,” he said.
The research began in July with direct observations at Pencak Silat Pagar Nusa during regular training sessions. Data collection for this research was done through in-depth interviews with six Pagar Nusa members who had experienced adolescent delinquency.
The research aims to uncover the dynamics of the identity crisis experienced by Pagar Nusa members, the internalization of Pagar Nusa’s values, and the self-transformation that occurs in Pagar Nusa members.
The research revealed that various reasons prompted Pagar Nusa members to have experienced adolescent delinquency in the past.
Some of these reasons included conformity to peers, experience exploration, peer influence, and using delinquent activities as a means of escape from their problems.
The forms of adolescent delinquency they engaged in included alcohol consumption, brawls, fights, extortion, muggings, and assaults.
“We observed indications of an identity crisis experienced by Pagar Nusa members,” Husni said.
The Pagar Nusa community provides emotional, physical, leadership, organization, martial arts, and spiritual training.
Other activities outside of training support these activities, such as discussions, modeling, and consistent monitoring conducted between the instructors and the members.
Husni noted that values such as ukhuwah, akhlaqul karimah, nahdliyin, taqarrub, tasawuf, and the importance of moh limo have been instrumental in helping Pagar Nusa members who had experienced adolescent delinquency to self-transform into better individuals.
The self-transformation of Pagar Nusa members is seen as a dynamic process of self-change that occurs before they become members, during their membership application, and while actively participating as permanent members.
Author: The Pencak Silat Research Team
Editor: Ika