Universitas Gadjah Mada is mourning the passing of Professor Sigit Riyanto, one of its esteemed figures.
The professor of the Faculty of Law (FH UGM) died on Wednesday (Aug. 21) at 04:30 WIB at the age of 60 at the UGM Academic Hospital (RSA UGM), leaving behind a wife and three children.
Hundreds of staff, relatives, and colleagues paid their last respects to Professor Sigit Riyanto during a memorial ceremony at Balairung UGM. His remains were then laid to rest at the UGM Sawitsari Cemetery.
Leading the farewell and memorial ceremony at Balairung UGM, UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia stated that Universitas Gadjah Mada is deeply saddened by losing one of its best individuals, Professor Sigit Riyanto.
Representing the UGM family, she conveyed her heartfelt condolences, praying that Professor Sigit Riyanto finds the best place with Allah SWT and that his deeds are accepted. She also wished patience, resilience, and sincerity for the bereaved family.
The late Professor Sigit Riyanto was a professor of international law who was appointed to FH UGM on Jun. 26, 2014, approximately ten years ago. Throughout his career at UGM, he was known for his firm stance and commitment to upholding regulations.
“The last time I saw him was just yesterday afternoon at RSA UGM, and in the early hours today, Allah SWT decreed that Professor Sigit Riyanto passed away. Indeed, Allah SWT has the right over all His creations, and may the prayers we offer today be accepted by Him,” said the rector.
During his professorship inauguration at UGM, Professor Ova Emilia recalled that Professor Sigit Riyanto delivered a speech titled “Re-interpretation of State Sovereignty in International Law.”
In his speech, he emphasized that one of the tasks of international law academics is to conduct academic mapping by considering the mutually enriching relationship between international law, international relations, and international economics.
This includes revisiting the equality of states versus non-state actors, particularly in terms of designing legal norms and new standards in human rights, environmental protection, economic and international trade, and dispute resolution.
“On this final tribute occasion, allow me to express profound gratitude to Professor Sigit Riyanto for his dedication and service to UGM, especially to the Faculty of Law. May his knowledge and contributions be a field of worship and a pathway for future knowledge development.”
“Let us send Professor Sigit Riyanto to his final resting place with prayers, hoping that Allah SWT grants him forgiveness, peace, and a noble place,” she added.
Professor Marsudi Triatmodjo, Dean of UGM Faculty of Law (2004–2008 and 2009–2012) and a colleague of the late Professor Sigit Riyanto in the Department of International Law described him as a competent individual who consistently fulfilled his duties.
According to Professor Triatmodjo, Professor Sigit Riyanto was an inspiring figure for his Department of International Law colleagues.
“We all feel a great loss as the news came suddenly, and we had just met physically on Monday (Aug. 19),” he said.
Professor Triatmodjo believed that Professor Sigit Riyanto was consistent and dedicated. He mentioned that on Tuesday (Aug. 20), Professor Sigit Riyanto was supposed to examine theses. However, despite his condition, he still managed to conduct the examination online.
“One can imagine that even while ill, he continued his activities, including being a speaker at various institutions and scientific events after his tenure as dean,” he explained.
In Professor Triatmodjo’s view, Professor Sigit Riyanto was full of trust and adherence to university rules and policies. During his deanship, he contributed to significant physical and academic developments.
“I am confident that he has provided his best knowledge to students and was an idol among them. His thoughts will guide students in performing their professions as best as possible,” he concluded.
In his career, the late Professor Sigit Riyanto served as Deputy Dean for Academic and Cooperation Affairs at FH UGM (2008–2012), Head of the UGM Center for Security and Peace Studies (2015–2016), and Dean of FH UGM (2016–2021).
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photographer: Donnie
Post-editor: Afif