Rain pouring down did not dampen the enthusiasm of the audience who crowded the UGM Innovation and Creativity Center (GIK UGM) on Sunday, Dec. 1, 2024. The Joglo GIK UGM was the venue for the Melodi Bulaksumur concert and the Ketoprak performance titled Suminten Nagih Janji.
Melodi Bulaksumur told the story of a grandfather who had dedicated his life to UGM and shared his experiences with his grandson.
These stories were conveyed through popular songs from his era, performed by a lineup of singers consisting of UGM leaders, faculty, and students.
The event was enlivened by musical accompaniment from the UGM Student Choir (PSM), the Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra (GMCO), and the Gama Band.
The second offering of the night was slightly different.
While the audience was taken on a nostalgic journey during the concert, the ketoprak performance Suminten Nagih Janjifeatured a story inspired by the traditional Suminten Edan tale, often staged in Central and East Java.
This collaboration between lecturers and students not only told a story of love and betrayal by Raden Mas Subrata against Suminten but also conveyed critiques of leaders’ oppression.
Additionally, the performance showcased women’s bravery.
The entertainment was not the only highlight of the event.
In collaboration with the Lokalogi community, the audience was required to exchange a certain amount of used packaging waste to obtain entry tickets.
This initiative aimed to encourage attendees to appreciate and love culture and support a clean and sustainable environment.
In her opening remarks, UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia stated that the music and ketoprak performances, held as part of the 2024 Lustrum and UGM’s 75th Anniversary celebration, serve as a moment for UGM to preserve and cherish its culture and history, as well as that of Indonesia.
“UGM plays an active role in preserving Indonesia’s art and culture while shaping virtuous individuals with a national perspective,” she said.
Author: Lazuardi
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Lintang