Thirty-six representatives from Srikandi Sungai Indonesia (SSI) from various regions in Central Java and the Special Region of Yogyakarta participated in technical guidance for human resources supporting social and cultural empowerment.
The event was held at Hotel Cakra Kembang Yogyakarta on Sep. 13-14. Representatives came from Pemalang, Wonosobo, Kebumen, Klaten, Sleman, Bantul, and Gunung Kidul.
The activity is a collaboration between the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA), Yayasan Sungai Lestari Indonesia, and the Environmental and Disaster Mitigation Clinic (KLMB) of the Faculty of Geography, Universitas Gadjah Mada.
Dr. Sri Rahayu Budiani, the Chair of SSI, and Professor Suratman, the Initiator of SSI, led this initiative.
Professor Suratman stated that the SSI representatives received training on household waste management, child-rearing culture, home garden utilization, and leadership.
“All materials presented in this guidance can serve as practical and comprehensive guidelines for the government, managers, practitioners, and stakeholders in effectively and sustainably managing and developing their environments,” said Professor Suratman in a statement to reporters on Tuesday (Sep. 17).
Anggin Nuzula Rahma, representing the Gender Mainstreaming Subdivision for Social and Cultural Affairs of KPPPA, expressed appreciation for the collaboration and partnership established with SSI over the past few years.
She noted that the SSI program is a women’s social movement aimed at improving the welfare of members and families through various activities to enhance the quality of life, especially for women.
“We hope and see this as a strategic effort to create champions, especially those focused on environmental issues, and to become partners for the government in strengthening our efforts in climate control,” she stated.
Dr. Sri Rahayu Budiani, the Chair of SSI, emphasized that these SSI representatives can play a crucial role in social and cultural empowerment, developing community capacities, and preserving and promoting cultural values.
“To ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of these tasks, enhancing human resource capacity through comprehensive technical guidance is essential,” she explained.
Through the women’s organization, Dr. Budiani noted that they aim to train social and cultural empowerment facilitators, as they play a vital role in identifying, developing, and implementing programs that support community development and environmental preservation.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif