Roni Arianto Widodo, a 1991 graduate of the UGM Department of Food and Agricultural Product Technology (TPHP), Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP UGM), started his career without a family business background. However, he had a spirit and desire to improve his family’s well-being.
“I wanted to leave my job as a laborer and find new opportunities to build a better future,” he revealed.
Widodo chose to produce seasoned flour because fried foods are a staple in Indonesian everyday life and palate, so there was no need to introduce the product’s usage to the market.
For six years, he focused on producing seasoned flour. However, Widodo began adding innovations to his products in the tenth year.
Widodo realized that many of his customers owned chicken food stalls, leading him to create marination seasonings as one of his product innovations.
In addition, Widodo developed chili oil and gluten-free flour products to meet market demand. Widodo’s success is closely tied to his ability to understand customer needs.
Widodo did not fight alone; he established this business with three other TPHP graduates from the 1991 cohort.
Although the business is still classified as a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME), Widodo can produce up to 13-14 tons per year with 11 employees.
Widodo and his wife initially produced and promoted the products to the local market. Today, Rizqiyya Seasoned Flour’s furthest market reaches Aceh, though its largest market remains in Jogja.
Widodo sends his employees to the holy land for Umrah every year as a token of appreciation.
Widodo’s efforts align with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 8, which focuses on Decent Work and economic growth. He has created decent jobs for his employees and upholds the principles of social entrepreneurship in his business operations.
The story of Roni Arianto Widodo inspires many, showing that success can be achieved without a strong business background.
With a spirit of innovation, perseverance, and the ability to understand market needs, Widodo has successfully built his business into an inspiration for others.
Post-editor: Lintang