Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been assigned by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to provide mentorship to Universitas Borneo Tarakan (UBT) to undergo a transformation and revitalization from a State University Under the Government Agency status to a Public Service Agency University (PTN BLU).
This change is expected to make UBT more productive, efficient, innovative, creative, and effective in carrying out the tri-dharma activities of higher education. UBT is the first state university in North Kalimantan Province.
Dr. Ely Susanto, Director of Planning at UGM, told reporters on Thursday, Jul. 4, 2024, that UGM visited UBT on Jun. 26-27, 2024, as part of the assistance program.
The UGM delegation was led by the Vice-Rector for Planning, Assets, and Information Systems, Dr. Arief Setiawan Budi Nugroho. The first day began with a meeting with UBT Rector Professor Adri Patton.
“In the meeting, UBT Rector expressed appreciation for UGM’s support in assisting UBT’s transformation into a PTN BLU,” said Dr. Susanto.
In addition to meeting with UBT Rectorate, the UGM team conducted a field survey at UBT’s campus, including laboratories, lecture rooms, campus areas, and student activity spaces.
On the second day, a coaching clinic discussed strategies for developing the tri-dharma fields and their supporting ecosystems.
The coaching clinic consisted of two sessions: a discussion and brainstorming session on quality assurance, academic innovation, planning and budgeting, finance, partnerships, information systems, assets, procurement, and two special themes on resource and fisheries technology management and border area management.
“The coaching clinic concluded with the presentation of a development plan that UBT will implement in 2024, with UGM assisting in its preparation,” he said.
According to Dr. Susanto, the partnership with UBT involves the Revitalization Program for State Universities and assists in establishing an undergraduate medical program at UBT.
“The Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK UGM) team has been assisting in establishing the undergraduate medical program,” Dr. Susanto said.
Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Planning, and Cooperation at UBT, Dr. Muhammad Djaya Bakri, stated that UBT aims to complete its transition to BLU status this year.
“We are preparing the status transition documents, have drafted the governance business plan, and ensured the readiness of all devices to become a BLU,” Dr. Bakri said.
During this status transition process, Dr. Bakri mentioned that UBT has received assistance from UGM.
He noted that UGM’s assignment as UBT’s mentor for becoming a PTN BLU aligns with the assistance program for opening the medical program.
“This year, we are admitting new students for the medical program,” he explained.
Dr. Bakri hopes that the change to BLU status will advance and develop UBT as a higher education institution in the border area.
“As a new university, UBT is responsible for educating the nation’s children living in border areas,” Dr. Bakri said.
Similarly, Dr. Dori Rahmawani, a lecturer at UBT’s Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, hopes that the university’s change to BLU status will further enhance its performance in education and research in fisheries and marine sciences.
“The tropical resource diversity is unique, and we want to improve fisheries and marine research results,” Dr. Rahmawani said.
Author: Gusti Grehenson
Photographer: Ega
Post-editor: Lintang