The Athanasius Church, located within the UGM Faith & Spirituality Center, is celebrating its first anniversary.
A series of social service activities and a Thanksgiving Mass were held to mark this occasion. On Friday (Feb. 21), 133 local residents attended a free health check-up at the Athanasius Church.
Meanwhile, the Thanksgiving Mass was held on Saturday (Feb. 22), led by three priests: Vicar for the Kategorial Diocese, Father Yohanes Dwi Harsanto, Pr.; Student Pastoral Center Priest, Father Agustinus Daryanto, SJ; and UGM Master’s in Civil Engineering Student & Sacramental Service Assistant, Father Vincentius Doni Erlangga Satriawan, SJ.
In his homily during the Thanksgiving Mass, Father Yohanes Dwi Harsanto expressed his hope that UGM Athanasius Church would stand for more than just a building.
He specifically urged the congregation of UGM Athanasius Church to use the church’s presence to manifest God’s solidarity.
He emphasized that God’s solidarity with humanity is reflected in solidarity with others. He added that God’s solidarity embraces everyone and is embodied in an inclusive attitude.
“Since this church is located in UGM’s Faith & Spirituality Center alongside various religions, it is only right to adopt an inclusive attitude. We always hope this place will continue fostering faith development,” he said.
Professor Regina Titi Christinawati Tandelilin, a lecturer from UGM’s Faculty of Dentistry (FKG UGM) and a church administrator, expressed her gratitude for the first anniversary of Athanasius Church, which is located within the UGM Faith & Spirituality Center.
She noted that UGM Church serves as a place for students to pursue knowledge and as a home for many campus residents seeking peace and spiritual growth.
“Without UGM’s policies, this church might not have come to fruition, and we greatly appreciate the cooperation established to this day,” she said.
Professor Tandelilin highlighted the role and dedication of the priests in guiding the spiritual journey of UGM’s Catholic community.
She said that their support is meaningful both inside and outside the church.
“We also extend our gratitude to the entire campus community, lecturers, students, and staff who have fully supported the church since its inception. Thank you for the prayers, time, and effort put into ensuring this church can stand, grow, and thrive,” she added.
Professor Tandelilin also mentioned that along with the first anniversary of Athanasius Church, UGM’s Catholic community was reminded of the symbol Luce (Light) in the Vatican’s jubilee year logo.
Luce calls on the congregation of Athanasius Church to be a light to everyone seeking illumination, hope, and peace in their lives.
“We are all called to be a light for the world, especially within the UGM campus community, to bear fruit in faith, hope, and love that brings peace to others,” she concluded.
Dr. Indra Perdana, another administrator of Athanasius Church, mentioned that 133 residents participated in the free health check-up and consultation services, which included dental and oral health, general health, and nutrition.
He explained that this social service, which combines community service with spiritual activities, is a tangible expression of the university’s tri-dharma activities.
“By His grace, we can offer this health service. We thank the students from MISA KAMPUS and KMK who drove this event. We also thank the lecturers and academic staff who worked hard to support this activity,” he concluded.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya