A team of UGM students called ESSEL has launched a sexual education program for students with hearing impairments using a social-emotional learning approach.
The program, which took place last September, emerged as a response to the increasing cases of sexual violence experienced by marginalized individuals.
Faiqal Dima Hanif, the program’s head, explained that sexual violence is an issue that urgently needs to be addressed.
“The tendency of adolescents with hearing impairments to lack an understanding of boundaries between genders can increase the potential for sexual violence cases. Our sexual education program was designed based on this urgency,” Hanif stated.
Four team members assisted Hanif during the planning and implementation stages: Yunintria Imtihanah, Adira Zahra, Clara Widyatna, and Kiara Maharani.
The ESSEL team also conducted limited volunteer recruitment with the requirement that volunteers must be psychology students.
This criterion was established because psychology students possess relevant knowledge in handling children with special needs, ensuring the program’s optimal execution.
Under the motto “Learning and Playing Together,” the team successfully implemented the program to educate students at SLBN 2 Yogyakarta.
Two main topics were covered: safe sexual behavior and reproductive health. The learning process, utilizing a social-emotional learning approach, was conducted through four stages: stimulation, discussion, role play, and reflection.
Throughout the program’s implementation, the learning activities led by the ESSEL team were always interactive and enjoyable.
Game sessions such as “Snakes and Ladders” were designed by incorporating questions about sexual education previously taught during the stimulation and discussion sessions.
Additionally, the team published a reflection book to guide students in expressing their feelings and understanding during the activities.
The overall implementation of this sexual education program received a warm response from other school members. Wiwik Sri Rejeki, a teacher at SLBN 2 Yogyakarta, expressed that the sexual education program was excellent and assisted the teachers.
“We were greatly assisted, and the children were pleased and responsive to this program, as seen in their expressions when they enthusiastically welcomed the UGM students. We hope this program can occur regularly,” Rejeki expressed.
Author: The ESSEL Team
Editor: Ika