The UGM Center for Disaster Studies (PSBA) has initiated the Safe School Education Program in collaboration with the Kesatuan Bangsa Junior and Senior High Schools.
Through this program, the center conducts activities to improve the quality of education related to disaster risk reduction.
This program is part of the 2023 Community Service Grant-based Education for Sustainable Development, carried out by the Directorate of Community Service at UGM.
In practice, this program has been realized through Earthquake and Fire Emergency Training conducted at Kesatuan Bangsa Junior and Senior High Schools on Monday, September 4, 2023.
Dr. Muhammad Anggri Setiawan, Head of PSBA, stated that UGM is firmly committed to practicing the three pillars of higher education: education, research, and community service.
He emphasized the importance of multi-stakeholder involvement as the basis for the penta helix mechanism to support the effectiveness and efficiency of disaster risk reduction efforts.
“This is one of the embodiments of the three pillars of higher education in the field of community service through education initiatives focused on sustainable development,” said Dr. Setiawan.
In launching this program, PSBA is not working alone. The center involves the UGM Office of Security, Occupational Safety, Emergency, and Environment (K5L) and the Disaster Management Agency of Bantul Regency.
“We all hope that the Safe School Education Program, which is currently being initiated, can produce more optimal and comprehensive outcomes,” he added.
Nur Wijayanto, Head of Kesatuan Bangsa Senior High School, responded positively to this activity.
He mentioned that training activities like this are needed to educate the school community to enhance preparedness in facing potential threats that can occur at any time.
He hoped that collaboration in disaster risk reduction between various parties in Kesatuan Bangsa Junior and Senior High Schools would continue beyond the training level but could continue with other disaster education activities.
The training activities facilitated by the K5L Office and Bantul Disaster Management Agency included theoretical presentations and practical field exercises.
The topics covered the basics of disaster management, earthquake threat potential in Bantul Regency, fire threat potential in the school environment, earthquake disaster rescue and evacuation procedures, fire extinguishing procedures, and the use of fire-fighting equipment.
These activities were attended by representatives from Kesatuan Bangsa Junior and Senior High Schools, including teachers, staff, and students.
Seeing the enthusiasm of the students and school staff, the center is optimistic that the ongoing program will be successful.
Similar programs are expected to be implemented in other educational institutions, given the close connection between disaster risk reduction and sustainable development.
Author: Agung Nugroho