The UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Animal Science UGM) has initiated a collaboration with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
This collaboration was formalized by signing a memorandum of understanding between Animal Science UGM and the Livestock Research Center of BRIN’s Agricultural and Food Research Organization on Tuesday, Jul. 30, 2024, at Loman Park Hotel, Yogyakarta.
The attendees included the Dean of Animal Science UGM, Professor Budi Guntoro, and the Acting Head of BRIN Livestock Research Center, Professor Herdis.
Professor Diah Tri Widayati, Head of the Livestock Physiology and Reproduction Laboratory at Animal Science UGM, stated that the initiative to collaborate with BRIN has been underway for the past two years.
The focus is on academic research applying reproductive biotechnology, in vitro embryo production, and stem cell technology to enhance reproductive efficiency and livestock productivity.
“Among the activities already conducted are research on identifying leptin and kisspeptin as markers for reproductive parameters in livestock and potential stem cells,” explained Professor Widayati.
The outputs include publications in reputable international journals, postdoctoral opportunities, scholarships through the Research Talent Assistance and Innovation (BARISTA) program, and intellectual property rights.
Dean Guntoro hopes that the collaboration with BRIN can be optimally utilized to support the UGM education system.
“In addition to enriching the scientific knowledge at the Faculty of Animal Science from undergraduate to doctoral levels, the scheme for guest lecturers can also be implemented,” said Professor Guntoro.
Professor Herdis mentioned that future collaborations with Animal Science UGM could be expanded beyond reproductive biotechnology to include research assistance and BARISTA scholarship support.
Report by: Animal Science UGM/Satria
Author: Agung Nugroho
Post-Editor: Lintang
Photographer: Margiyono