The opening of the 77th Anniversary (Dies Natalis) celebration series of the UGM Faculty of Dentistry (FKG UGM) was filled with joy.
The event began with a joint exercise with the FKG UGM academic community and a healthy walk around the health cluster campus.
As one of the oldest and leading faculties in Indonesia, FKG UGM has made significant contributions to education, research, and community service in the field of dentistry.
This Dies Natalis celebration is an important moment for reflection, evaluation, and planning strategic steps to achieve the faculty’s vision and mission in the future.
“Various events will be held during the 77th Dies Natalis of FKG UGM. The most important aspect of all activities is togetherness. We aim to enhance the sense of unity among the academic community and strengthen the relationship between FKG UGM and the public,” said the Dean of FKG UGM, Professor Suryono, at the FKG UGM parking lot on Friday (Jan. 24).
Dean Suryono hopes to increase public awareness of dentistry with this year’s celebration. He emphasized that collaboration, innovation, and integrity are always prioritized in every FKG UGM activity.
“These principles have been the foundation of FKG UGM’s success to this day. We hope that through this Dies Natalis celebration, we can all collectively embrace a brighter future, with a commitment to continue developing dental science and services for the progress of the nation and the country,” he added.
The opening ceremony was marked by the cutting of a tumpeng by the Dean of FKG, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FKKMK UGM), the Dean of Pharmacy, faculty leaders, lecturers, students, and staff within the health cluster.
The event was enlivened by the opening of Pasar Kangen, tug-of-war competitions, Angguk dance performances, music by lecturers and students, and the distribution of door prizes.
Dr. Isti Rahayu Suryani, as the organizing committee chairperson, stated that the theme for the 77th Dies Natalis of FKG UGM is “Digital Dentistry: Enhancing Efficiency in Indonesia’s Health Transformation.”
She believes that increasing her understanding of Digital Dentistry will provide deeper insights into the development of digital technology in dentistry.
“Of course, this poses a challenge—how to implement such technology to improve the efficiency and quality of dental health services in Indonesia,” she explained.
Dr. Suryani expressed her hopes that the series of events for the 77th Dies Natalis of FKG UGM would strengthen the relationship between FKG UGM and the community. The academic community of FKG UGM is expected to build closer ties with the wider community, particularly in the field of dentistry.
“We aim to increase the faculty’s tangible contribution to advancing the health sector in Indonesia. Through this Dies Natalis, we hope that FKG UGM can make a significant contribution to the progress of dentistry in Indonesia, which is in line with the current digital transformation,” she added.
Following the opening, a number of events are set to enliven the 77th Dies Natalis celebration of FKG UGM.
These include community service activities in the form of outreach conducted by all elements of the academic community of FKG UGM on Feb. 8, 2025, in Pagilaran, Central Java.
There will also be a Fun Run and Family Gathering on Feb. 22, 2025. The Fun Run, themed “Together in Healthy Steps,” is expected to be a sports event that fosters camaraderie and strengthens family ties.
Meanwhile, the FKG UGM Family Gathering will be a reunion event that strengthens the bonds between alumni, the extended family, and the academic community of FKG UGM.
The Dies Natalis event will be highlighted by a Symposium, Hands-on Workshop, and Dental Exhibition on Feb. 27 and 28, 2025, at the UGM Innovation and Creativity Center (GIK UGM).
Around 500 participants are expected to attend, including students, dental hygienists, dentists, dental specialists, researchers, and practitioners in the field of dentistry.
Other activities include a spiritual gathering (tirakatan) and a communal iftar on Mar. 4, 2025, in the OECF Building Atrium.
The climax of the event will be the Open Senate Meeting for the 77th Dies Natalis of FKG UGM and a Wayang Orang performance on Mar. 5, 2025, at the Margono Soeradji Auditorium of FKG UGM.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographer: Donnie