Nikita Nur Hijriyati, a graduate of the Regional Economic Development program at the UGM Vocational College (SV UGM), has proven that disabilities are not a barrier to higher education.
Nikita, who has hard of hearing and minor cerebral palsy, graduated on May 22, 2024, along with 1,422 other graduates during the graduation ceremony for the academic period 2023/2024 at Grha Sabha Pramana.
“I am grateful to have graduated from the Regional Economic Development program. Alhamdulillah,” Nikita expressed with some difficulty.
Nikita’s journey to graduation was challenging. As someone with hard of hearing and minor cerebral palsy, she relied heavily on lip reading and a combination of visual and auditory learning styles over the six years and eight months of her studies.
She appreciated the supportive treatment from her lecturers, who made accommodations to facilitate her learning, especially during English listening practicals and presentation assignments.
“The lecturers were understanding and didn’t mind my poor handwriting because I can’t write neatly,” she shared.
One of Nikita’s most memorable experiences was participating in an online Community Service Program (KKN-PPM UGM), where she was appointed sub-unit coordinator.
This appointment demonstrated that a person with disabilities could effectively coordinate and communicate with the community, even during a pandemic.
Additionally, she was active in Peduli Difabel (Disability Care Student Activity Unit), advocating for establishing a Disability Service Unit, which is set to be inaugurated soon.
“The lecturers also involved me in assistant activities, such as program accreditation and research. I am very grateful for these opportunities. Through active participation in various activities, I received the Pertamina Sobat Bumi Scholarship in 2019,” she explained.
Nikita’s past was not without its struggles. In 11th grade, she was removed from an economics class during a daily test because the teacher was unaware of her hearing impairment and inability to write quickly.
This incident deeply hurt her and caused her to dislike economics. However, her interest in geography ultimately led her to choose the Regional Economic Development program at UGM.
“I once hated economics, but I grew to love it over time. I am grateful to Jesita from FEB UGM for helping me realize how extraordinary economics is,” she said.
Nikita was born with minor cerebral palsy, and during elementary school, she began to experience hearing problems due to illness. She almost couldn’t walk as a child and only started walking normally at two.
Despite living in the village of Nginggil, Sragen Regency, her parents chose to educate her in the city. She attended SMP Az-Zahra Sragen and SMA 1 Sragen. They never sent her to special needs schools, preferring general education institutions.
“I faced discrimination and teasing from friends because I couldn’t participate in physical activities. For sports lessons, I always had extra assignments. However, I excelled in theory and could enter SMA 1 Sragen, although I transferred due to feeling uncomfortable with the treatment from friends and teachers,” she recalled with sadness.
With a GPA of 3.37, Nikita hopes to find a suitable job and continue her education with LPDP funding. She is determined to contribute to society, especially in advocating for disability rights.
Nikita acknowledged that UGM has provided adequate services for students with disabilities. She praised her supportive and understanding lecturers, which helped her learn spatial-related subjects in her program.
She also found a strong sense of community in Peduli Difabel, considering it her second family, and built many valuable relationships.
“I was sad when I lost my laptop while working on my final project. I hope there will be collaborations between the campus, government, companies, and organizations to provide job opportunities for fresh graduates with disabilities,” she hoped.
Her parents, Suripto, a teacher, and Eny Muryaningsih, a healthcare worker, expressed their gratitude for God’s blessings, which enabled Nikita to complete her education at UGM. They hope the knowledge she gained will be beneficial and she will quickly find the desired job.
“As parents, we feel touched and proud to see Nikita complete her studies at UGM. Despite her limitations, she still competes to achieve her dreams. We hope this inspires her younger siblings, Hanifah and Hanif,” said Suripto.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Photographer: Firsto