Thousands of UGM academic community members filled the Balairung courtyard on Saturday (Aug. 17) to participate in the flag ceremony led by UGM Rector Professor Ova Emilia to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.
This year’s Independence Day theme, “New Nusantara, Advanced Indonesia,” reflects the spirit of national revival to create a better future for all Indonesians.
In her speech as the ceremony leader, the rector mentioned that the 79th Independence Day coincides with several historical moments for Indonesia, including the establishment of the new capital, Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN).
The development of IKN, focused on an Indonesia-centric approach, aims to accelerate Indonesia’s economic transformation while maintaining overall ecosystem protection.
“Guarding the development of IKN is essential to realizing a sustainable, smart, and inclusive city,” she stated.
Regarding the IKN development, Professor Emilia noted that UGM has initiated the Wanagama Nusantara to support the development of a Forest City to tackle global climate change.
UGM’s success in rehabilitating critical land in Gunung Kidul, both ecologically and socio-economically, has inspired the government to replicate this in the first phase of Wanagama Nusantara development, covering 28 hectares with a potential area of 621 hectares in IKN.
“Through collaboration with various parties, Wanagama Nusantara will showcase various innovations and smart technology adaptations for sustainable climate change mitigation,” the rector explained.
The rector also emphasized the importance of developing superior human resources who are competitive and proficient in science and technology, which is a focus for achieving the Golden Indonesia Vision 2045.
As a university closely tied to Indonesia’s independence history, UGM remains committed to being an inclusive campus that provides educational access to people from diverse backgrounds. She expressed hope that this could open access to quality education for all.
“Bung Karno once said in his speech, build a world where all nations live in peace and brotherhood,” said the rector.
She elaborated that development will be meaningful when all nations can live in peaceful brotherhood, uniting and growing together. Therefore, unity in diversity must always be cherished as part of Indonesia’s rich cultural traditions and noble values.
At the end of her speech, the rector called on all UGM academic community members to continue embracing the spirit of independence by fostering cooperation, unity in diversity, and equality in national development efforts.
“Let us hold firmly to the values of Pancasila as the principles of national and state life,” she concluded.
Author: Triya Andriyani
Photographer: Firsto
Post-editor: Afif