Muara Pantuan Village, Anggana District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province, is located in a coastal area directly facing the Makassar Strait and has abundant fishery potential.
However, limited access to the village hampers the optimal management of these resources.
UGM KKN-PPM Petualangan Mahakam team, which is conducting community service in this village, is developing various local potentials to boost the community’s economy, including promoting UMKM (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) products through digital media.
Gede Agung Krisna Ambara, the team coordinator, stated that UMKM in Muara Pantuan Village is enthusiastic and motivated to produce processed fishery products but cannot yet market them beyond the village.
“We believe there is a need for rebranding the MSMEs to improve the community’s living standards,” Krisna said in a press release sent on Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024.
Ambara mentioned that the UMKM products in Muara Pantuan Village are varied, including amplang (fish crackers), shrimp floss, shrimp crackers, milkfish crackers, petis (fermented shrimp paste), terasi (shrimp paste), and crab chips.
The wives of the fishermen directly produce these products.
“The products are made from fresh ingredients, which helps them compete with similar products,” he added.
Toni Meriam, a village official from Muara Pantuan, responded positively to the innovations developed by the 2024 UGM KKN-PPM Petualangan Mahakam team.
He hopes the digital media promotion the UGM KKN students developed will help UMKM products reach a broader market.
“I strongly agree with this innovation because it will help the products from UMKM in Muara Pantuan Village become better known to the general public, enabling UMKM actors to grow and support their economic development,” said Toni Meriam.
Author: Lazuardi
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Lintang