The Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FH UGM), organized an alumni gathering on Saturday (Feb. 22) in the Auditorium of Building B, FH UGM, to celebrate its 79th Anniversary.
The alumni reunion, which aimed to strengthen alumni ties, was festive and featured various engaging activities, one of which was a mangrove planting activity at Pasir Kadilangu Beach, Kulon Progo.
Adi, one of the alumni participating in the mangrove planting, remarked that this activity is essential to FH UGM’s efforts to contribute to environmental conservation.
“This action is part of the community and environmental service activities in the series of anniversary events,” he said.
Equally captivating, the alumni gathering was also enlivened by a slideshow featuring the photography competition entries themed “Memories of UGM Faculty of Law.” In this nostalgic atmosphere, alumni reminisced about the long journey they had gone through.
The participants successfully demonstrated their creativity and love for FH UGM through the lens of their cameras.
They managed to capture beautiful memories that illustrated the journey of the faculty, becoming part of the recognition for the best works that visualized the valuable memories on this campus.
In his remarks, Professor Adrianto Dwi Nugroho, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Cooperation, emphasized the crucial role of alumni in the development of FH UGM, particularly in advancing education and learning.
“We greatly appreciate the contributions made by alumni, not only in the academic field but also in various other aspects that support the progress of the faculty,” said Professor Nugroho.
According to the vice dean, this cross-generation alumni gathering is expected to further strengthen the bonds among alumni across the country and abroad.
The collaboration between the academic community and alumni is also anticipated to enrich the development of legal studies in Indonesia, whether through joint research, scientific discussions, or improving the quality of legal education to be more relevant to current developments.
Author: Rahma Khoirunnisa
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afifudin Baliya
Photographs by: FH UGM