UGM, in collaboration with 12 universities in Asia, has initiated the establishment of the Asian Journal Network (AJN).
The UGM Vice-Rector for Education and Teaching, Professor Wening Udasmoro, stated that the formation of the Asian Journal Network aims to protect social humanities lecturers from ‘predatory’ journals.
“This is to ensure that various social humanities journals rely on quality and do not get trapped in journals with financial orientations,” emphasized Professor Udasmoro on Friday (October 6).
In addition to avoiding financial-oriented journal practices, the Asian Journal Network also seeks to restore the function of journals as platforms for scholarly debates and knowledge production.
“Yesterday, the UGM Faculty of Cultural Sciences hosted the event,” added the vice-rector.
Several countries participating in this initiative include the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and Japan.
UGM’s initiative also involves various reputable international journals, such as Kritika Kultura, Concentric, Kritike, Forum for World Literature, Winchen Review, Foreign Literature Studies, Wacana, and CSEAS (Kyoto).
The formation of AJN, according to Professor Udasmoro, is also aimed at improving the quality of education, which aligns with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly the enhancement of Indonesia’s Human Development Index.
The hope is that the role of education can enhance Indonesia’s competitiveness in supporting the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development.
Author: Satria