UGM Peduli carried out its first program, a clean-up activity around Wisdom Park, on Saturday (17/6). The agenda included cleaning the lake and river of inorganic waste and creating bio pores.
The background for this activity stemmed from the concern of UGM communities who often engage in activities at Wisdom Park. Certain hard-to-reach areas require adequate tools and equipment for cleaning, driving UGM Peduli to take real action to clean up the site.
As many as 70 participants joined this first action. Groups were tasked to clean specific spots each, including a division on who to clean the river and create bio pores.
Committee member Muhammad Fauzan hopes that such an activity will serve as a catalyst for fellow students to be more caring, not only for the environment but also in conserving energy and water, as the dry season has begun.
Secretary to the Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Hempri Suyatna, highly appreciates UGM Peduli for conducting its first environmental-themed program and hopes that the UGM academic community can be more environmentally conscious.
“Today’s event is quite interesting, and in the future, we will roll out similar agendas with different issues, such as social concerns and so on,” he added.
Dr. Suyatna explained that this is a concrete action showcasing the students’ concern for cleanliness and the environment.
“UGM Peduli movement will focus on social, economic, environmental, and other aspects. We hope more members of the academic community, especially students, will participate in activities held by UGM Peduli,” he concluded.
Author: Rifai