During their pregnancy journey, pregnant women must build a commitment to their pregnancy. Prenatal bonding and readiness to take on the role of a mother require significant social support.
This support can come from healthcare workers, health cadres, fellow pregnant women (peer groups), partners, or other family members.
Therefore, holding pregnancy classes that actively involve health cadres in providing health promotion is crucial to increasing social support for pregnant women.
A Community Service Team from the UGM Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK UGM), led by Ika Parmawati, implemented a program titled Follow-Up Optimization of the Role of Posyandu Care Cadres through Pregnant Women and Family Classes in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo.
This program aims to enhance the role of health cadres in pregnancy classes.
The coordinator, Ika Parmawati, explained that pregnant women experience bodily changes to support the growth and development of the fetus.
Data from Indonesia’s Ministry of Health in 2024 indicates that the number of pregnant women in Indonesia reached 4.9 million in 2023.
“Our community service is based on a preliminary study, which revealed that health cadres have not been actively involved in health promotion during pregnancy classes,” she said in Kalibawang, Kulon Progo Regency, Friday, Nov. 29, 2024.
Ika Parmawati acknowledged that most activities are facilitated by healthcare professionals from community health centers (puskesmas).
Although health cadres have undergone various training to improve their competence in health promotion, their involvement has not been fully applied.
“Therefore, the community service team is here to bridge and assist the active involvement of cadres in pregnancy classes,” she explained.
She emphasized that cadre involvement represents community empowerment and increases the social support resources available to pregnant women.
This community service program aligns with the government’s Primary Service Integration (ILP) program, which aims to organize and coordinate various primary healthcare services by providing comprehensive and quality access to the community.
The program involved 22 pregnant women, 8 Family Assistance Team (TPK) cadres, three Kalibawang Community Health Center staff, and 1 Family Planning Field Officer (PLKB).
It also received support from Banjaroyo Village officials, Kalibawang.
During the program, the FK-KMK UGM team emphasized the importance of pregnant women adapting to physical and psychological changes during pregnancy.
The team also provided materials on preparing for childbirth and early newborn care.
“We hope this reduces anxiety during pregnancy. These pregnancy classes serve as a source of social support for pregnant women, offering informational, emotional, and instrumental support, including monitoring vital signs during the class,” she explained.
Through this program, Parmawati and the team hope that health cadres can actively promote health in the community, particularly among pregnant women.
The program is also expected to optimize pregnancy classes as a forum for social support, improving the well-being of mothers and their unborn babies.
“Health cadres are the extended arms of healthcare workers, positioned very close to the community,” Parmawati stated.
Author: Agung Nugroho
Post-editor: Lintang