Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has always strived to prioritize transparency and openness in public information.
It is no surprise that UGM received the Public Information Disclosure Partner University Award from the Regional Information Commission (KID) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).
UGM received the award in the category of Public Information Disclosure Partner University. The Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Community Service, and Alumni of UGM, Dr. Arie Sujito, received the award at an event at Hotel Grand Rohan on Tuesday (Dec. 10) afternoon.
The KID DIY Chair, Erniati, said that this Public Body Information Disclosure Award event recognizes public bodies’ openness in providing information.
However, obtaining this award requires a rigorous selection process.
“Public bodies must first go through a monitoring and evaluation process before the award recipients in each category are determined,” she said.
Gede Narayana, a Commissioner of the Central Information Commission (KIP), also conveyed that the monitoring and evaluation process is not a fabrication but rather a form of implementing information disclosure in each region.
“When a public body has achieved a good score and received an award, this is not the end of the journey of information disclosure, but rather a form of carrying out good governance that helps to realize public welfare,” explained Narayana.
Dr. Sujito expressed his appreciation for the award given to UGM. According to him, this award further supports public bodies’ implementation of information disclosure to the public.
In this way, the public can assess and directly know the performance of public bodies to carry out checks and balances. With this award, Dr. Sujito said that UGM will continue to fulfill its commitment.
“This predicate is proof of UGM’s commitment to implementing various agendas and policies related to public information disclosure, which is also a priority program so that the public can know clearly about UGM,” he concluded.
Author: Lazuardi
Editor: Gusti Grehenson