UGM students from the Diving Student Activity Unit (UKM Selam UGM) recently participated in the 14th National Diving Jamboree hosted by Diponegoro University. The event, which took place over seven days from Oct. 20–27, 2024, was held on Karimunjawa Island, Central Java.
This year, UGM’s Diving Unit had the opportunity to serve as the organizing committee, collaborating and coordinating the event with the host, UKSA-387, Research Diving and Fisheries Schooling, and the Marine Diving Club from Diponegoro University.
UGM sent eight representatives and committee members to the event.
The eight individuals appointed as committee members and delegates from UKM Selam UGM were Antonius Nicholas Apriyanto, Barani Khayru Wahyudi Nugraha, Bazgheir Syams Muhammad Kisha, Dzar Faiq Alaqila, Laurencia Yulianto, Muhammad Raditya, Nicolas Christo Danendra Mahardika, and Sabrina Alexa Tegar Biaro.
Antonius Apriyanto stated that the participants had the opportunity to explore the underwater beauty of Karimunjawa, which also served as a moment to raise awareness about the importance of preserving marine ecosystems.
The event’s theme, “Discover The Paradise of Java,” allowed participants to explore the waters of Karimunjawa Island, a national park since 2001.
“There, participants could dive into the rich marine life of Karimunjawa, including rare species such as hawksbill turtles, green turtles, and white-bellied sea eagles,” Apriyanto said in a written statement sent to journalists on Wednesday, Nov. 6.
Laurencia Yulianto, one of the participants, shared that the 14th National Diving Jamboree adventure began on Oct. 20, 2024, with an opening ceremony in Semarang organized by UKSA-387, the Diponegoro University diving club.
Afterward, the group continued their journey to Karimunjawa, departing from Kartini Port in Jepara.
“The Jamboree participants continued their sea journey by ferry for 5 hours from Jepara to Karimunjawa,” she explained.
During the seven days in Karimunjawa, participants not only attended conservation briefings by the Karimunjawa National Park Center (BTNKJ) but also enjoyed the underwater beauty by diving at various exciting spots.
Many places being attended, such as Genteng Shipwreck, Geleang Island, Indonoor Shipwreck, Tanjung Gelam, Sintok Island, Menjangan Besar, Menjangan Kecil, Taka Menjangan, and Cilik Island.
“To conclude the event, the participants took part in a Coastal Clean-Up action on the eastern side of Karimunjawa Square,” she reminisced.
Author: Leony
Editor: Gusti Grehenson
Post-editor: Afif
Photos by: UKM Selam UGM