Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) demonstrated its public relations and communication excellence again by winning two Gold Winner awards at The 3rd Indonesia DEI & ESG Awards (IDEAS) 2024. The awards ceremony was held on Friday, Jul. 26, in Malang.
UGM received accolades in the categories of Strategic Public Relations Programs based on DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) practices, specifically in Disability Advocacy, and Strategic Public Relations Programs based on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices, particularly in Environmental Pollution and Waste Management.
IDEAS is a competition organized by PR Indonesia Group. It focuses on evaluating the best practices in DEI and ESG communication programs. It is open to public relations professionals from various sectors, including government agencies, universities, state-owned enterprises, multinational corporations, national private companies, NGOs, and non-profit organizations across Indonesia.
“IDEAS saw an extraordinary response this year, with 118 entries in total. Sixty-eight entries from 47 institutions made it to the finals, and the judging process was conducted hybrid on June 20-21,” said Asmono Wikan, founder and CEO of PR Indonesia Group, in his opening remarks.
He noted that the high level of participation indicates the growing importance of DEI and ESG practices for organizations.
UGM’s participation in IDEAS 2024 highlights its commitment to sustainability issues, which includes public relations and communication activities.
“These awards are a testament to UGM’s identity as a Pancasila and National University,” stated Dr. Andi Sandi Antonius Tabusassa Tonralipu, University Secretary.
He explained that UGM’s commitment to being an inclusive campus friendly to people with disabilities is outlined in its 2022-2027 strategic plan, which aims to create a healthy, safe, environmentally friendly, culturally rich, and socially responsible campus.
The development of the Disability Services Unit (ULD) and the Peduli Difabel Student Activity Unit (UKM Peduli Difabel) plays a crucial role in providing inclusive education.
“These best practices were highlighted in our competition materials as they contribute to achieving SDG 4, ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education,” Dr. Tonralipu added.
UGM’s contributions to sustainability align with its mission to carry out the three pillars of higher education and to preserve and develop beneficial knowledge for society.
In 2024, UGM was ranked among the top 100 universities globally for its contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 7, 8, and 9 by Times Higher Education (THE). Additionally, UGM was ranked third in the 2023 UI GreenMetrics as The Most Sustainable University in Indonesia.
“UGM has developed independent and environmentally friendly waste management strategies. We always strive to achieve a zero-waste campus. We have implemented many good practices, and our participation in IDEAS helps us evaluate the impact of our communication strategies and identify areas for improvement,” Dr. Tonralipu remarked.
Five judges evaluated the competition: Asmono Wikan (founder and CEO of PR Indonesia Group), Emilia Bassar (CEO of the Center for Public Relations, Outreach, and Communication), Dyah Indrapati (DEI practice expert), Herry Ginanjar (ESG practice expert and founder of etKomunika), and Janette Maria Pinariya (Vice Rector I of LSPR Institute).
Author/Photographer: Triya Andriyani