Graduate Competencies

Architecture study program is designed to produce architect-candidates who are creative, internationally competitive, and social and environmentally responsible and also become professionals practice in architecture. Graduated student has design skills as an architect, with further design skill in responding issues on humanity, that included architectural theories and architectural style (advance, conservation, disaster mitigation, technology, and green-sustainable-based architecture. This concept of the curriculum is called as BASIC SKILL+PLUS concept. The competence of basic design skills was obtained in the first 5 semesters, while the Plus Skills was developed in the 6th and 7th semesters. The learning process is conducted through lectures activities in the classroom and exercise through design conducted at studio and workshop. All academic activities are supported by excellent facilities. The benefit of the graduates of Architecture Study Program is the eligibility to pursue the higher education and training in the Architect Professional Education Program at UGM (1-year program) to become a professional architect.

Career Prospects

Graduate of Architecture Study Program become an architect candidate, with the title of Bachelor Degree in Architectural Science, who will become architects after completing the additional training at the Architect Professional Education Program at UGM, a 1-year program where students will obtain pre-professional qualifications to join the Indonesian Architect Board, IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia) to become professional architects. As an architect candidate, the graduate will also be possible to develop other professions in architecture fields such as interior design, materials and elements of the buildings, construction, researcher, architectural management in government, environment, and other creative fields such as graphic design.


  • Won several students design competition, in local, regional, national Final Theses Project by ITS, and international levels such as AYDA (Asian Young Design Award) and CTBUH International Student Tall Buildings Design Competition, Archiprix SEA, and FuturArc.
  • Actively participated in international conferences or joint programs, such as ICNEE (International Conference on New Energy and Environment Engineering), ARCASIA Student Jamboree and INDESEM (International Design Seminar) TU Delft.
  • Architecture Study Program was accredited by BAN-PT, AUN QA certified, and (on-going) international accreditation by KAAB (Korean Architectural Accrediting Board). Collaborate with various universities, such as the University of Sydney, TU Vienna, Adelaide University, Kyushu University, Osaka University, and also various highly qualified architecture firms in Indonesia.
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