A 4 year (8 semester) bachelor study program and will be given S.E (Sarjana Ekonomi) once graduated.

Graduate Competencies

This study program graduates will master to analyse economics issues and policy, either as in public, monetary, international financial, education, health care, criminality, institutional, environment, regional, experimental, or bank central issues. They will be given the competency to apply economics analytics using statistical data and econometrics. Moreover, this program graduates will have an advanced critical thinking and compatibility to communicate economics issue in general.

Career Prospects

Graduates will have wide career prospects, including public and private institutions, banking or financial sector both international and domestic area, higher education, government- Kementerian Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional, Bapepam, BPK, Bursa Efek Indonesia, Kementerian Keuangan, Kementerian Perdagangan, Research Institutions, LIPI, CSIS, SMERU, J-PAL SEA, Bank Indonesia, OJK, LPS, BUMN, NGO, mass media, pemerintahan daerah, Consultant company dan private international institution —Unilever, World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank.


  • Accredited with A grade by BAN-PT
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