Graduate Competencies

Graduates of this study program master the basics of legal knowledge and are able to anticipate developments and think comprehensively and responsively to the changing culture of society.
The graduates are also targeted to master one of the 13 concentrations, namely constitutional law, state administration law, tax law, environmental law, agrarian law, customary law, civil law, labour law, commercial law, criminal law, international law, Islamic law and law of procedure.

Career Prospects

Graduates of this study program can have careers as legal staffs, Human Resource Development (HRD) staffs, and corporate or in-house lawyers.

Crisis Center

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*Hari Senin-Jumat, 07.00 – 16.00

Call this number for any emergencies

(Kantor Keamanan, Keselamatan Kerja, Kedaruratan, dan Lingkungan Office of Workplace and Environmental Security and Safety and Emergencies)

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