Department of Politics and Governance (DPP) has contributed to the development of political and government sciences of the nation, and it is thus not surprising that DPP remains a focal point for the development of political and government sciences in Indonesia.

Graduate Competencies

Graduates this study program have high analytical skills both managerially and practically. This ability indicates that they are able to solve global problems. In addition, our students are expected to be more sensitive to local problems as a form of responsibility to the community. Our graduates master the internal and external dynamic principles of state administration, and they are able to analyze issues relating to Indonesia’s development and socio-political power. The internal dynamics of government comprised of the legislative process, governance organization and management, Indonesian government system, and the regional government system, government policy, and Indonesian bureaucracy. On the other hand, the government’s external dynamics include the state and civil society.

Career Prospects

Our graduates are able to have careers as lecturers, researchers, and practitioners in various government and private institutions that include Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Home Affairs, media companies. They can also pursue their careers as practitioners in various public and private institutions, such members of the House of Representative) and activists in NGOs.

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