Our main mission is “Strengtening Public Govenance”. This vision is translated into a plethora of innovation in the teaching activities. Beside of teaching activities, DPPM also providing researches, trainings, and mentoring activities in the public sector. These activities are conducted by DPPM’s Research Unit, REFORMA (Centre for Policy and Management Studies).

Graduate Competencies

Graduates of this study program master the knowledge of classical and contemporary development theories and paradigms, as well as concepts and models of public policies. The focus and locus of this study program cover public management through approaches in community empowerment, so that our graduates have the technical abilities in terms of planning, implementation, and evaluation of development programs.

Career Prospects

Our graduates are able to work in government institutions (such as Ministry of National Development Planning, Department of Internal Affairs, State Secretariat, Ministry of Administrative Reform, Ministry of Acceleration of Disadvantaged Areas, and the Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs), regional governments, non-government institutions including NGOs, and social, economic, and political research institutions.


  • Able to analyze and interpret qualitative and quantitative data relating to the policy making process;
  • Able to evaluate and compare public policies and organizational management dynamics;
  • Able to formulate public policy;
  • Able to create innovation in public management;
  • Able to influence actors across sectors;
  • Able to advocate for public policies and public sector reforms;
  • Able to criticize organizational management and political phenomena.
Crisis Center

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Call this number for any emergencies

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