Graduate Competencies

Graduates of this study program master the theories of classical sociology and specific sociology, such as urban, rural, economic, development, education, and gender-related sociology. In addition, our graduates master the socio-political history of Indonesia, the sociology of conflict, civil society, democracy, social research methodologies. They also have the capacity to objectively detect social phenomena and offer concepts of political and economic development that consider various social backgrounds and characteristics in order minimize the impacts of development.

Career Prospects

Our graduates have the capacity to work in government institutions, such as Ministry of National Development Planning, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Forestry, Ministry of Village, Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration, Ministry of Social Affairs, and regional governments. In addition, they are able to work as lecturers, writers in the mass media, researchers in international and cultural institutions, such as UNDP, NGOs, and social research institutions.

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