Graduate Competencies

Main Competencies:

  • Integrity (Ethics and Moral);
  • Forest and land rehabilitation skills;
  • Forest management skills;
  • Forest products management skills;
  • Survey, administration, and mapping skills;
  • Communication and community empowerment;
  • Leadership and managerial;
  • Problem Solving.

Supplementary Competencies:

  • Intensive silviculture engineering;
  • Forestry Spatial Information System Engineering;
  • Networking

Other Competencies:

  • Survival

Career Prospects

  1. Technicians at Forestry Ministry, Local Government, National Institutions and Private Institutions)
  2. Forestry Planning Technicians
  3. Forest Ecosystem Control at Forestry Ministry
  4. Forest rangers
  5. Entrepreneurs
  6. NGO and Forestry Consultants
Crisis Center

Please contact us for any problem with SIMASTER

(Direktorat Teknologi Informasi Directorate of Information Technology )

*Hari Senin-Jumat, 07.00 – 16.00

Call this number for any emergencies

(Kantor Keamanan, Keselamatan Kerja, Kedaruratan, dan Lingkungan Office of Workplace and Environmental Security and Safety and Emergencies)

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