3 - 4 semester master study program, plus 2 more years of matrikulasi and will be granted M.Acc (Master of Accounting) once graduated.

Graduate Competencies

  • Master in Accounting study program has the most completed minor concentration in Indonesia; namely Public Sector Accounting, Finance Accounting, Management Accounting, System information, Sharia Accounting.
  • Master in Accounting study program has wide international network systems, including Dual Degree Program with Victoria University Australia.
  • Master in Accounting study program has its specially designed curriculum that mainly focused on creating more professional accountant.

Career Prospects

Master in Accounting graduates has wide career opportunity, either in private or public sector, both national or multinational. In 2017 and 2018, it has been recorded that there are 77 working as a civil servant, 91 working in private sector areas with average employment waiting time is 2,32 months.


  • Accredited with A grade by BAN-PT
  • Internationally accredited business school by AACSB
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*Hari Senin-Jumat, 07.00 – 16.00

Call this number for any emergencies

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