Recent News
UGM Center for Population and Policy Studies (PSKK) organized a Sea Survival event.
After the success of the youth interfaith gathering event entitled Youth, Religion and Disaster with students representatives from religious organizations from each campus as the participan...
Being an entrepreneur is an option. In addition to the talent, being an entrpreneur can be reached through education.
Yogyakarta- Socialization of Intellectual Property Rights (HKI) in Indonesia so far has not been optimum.
Yogyakarta- International Youth Conference (IYC) at Yogyakarta attended by 144 youths from 37 countries has produced 32 important resolutions to manage climate and environment change for ev...
Yogyakarta- For human life, 65 years old is categorised as elderly.
YOGYAKARTA – The architect team joining the Studio Design and Planning of Merapi Settlements, Department of Architecture and Planning, UGM Faculty of Engineering, has completed 671 of...
Dean of the UGM Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Marchaban, DESS, Apt., inaugurated 54 new pharmacists at the University Club (UC), Thursday (24/2).
YOGYAKARTA- The existence of civil society organizations (Ormas) in Indonesia cannot be separated from history, reform, democracy, and decentralization.
As a presentation to the academic community of UGM and the public, Gadjah Mada Chamber Orchestra (GMCO) performed a tribute concert entitled A Journey from Classic to Modern.
Performance of regional road network hardening is very worrying. Data of year 2010 mentioned that as much as 61.11% of provincial roads are in unstable condition, 28.21% having minor damage...
Yogyakarta- Universitas Gadjah Mada again inaugurated 1,737 sarjana (undergraduate program/S1) graduates, Wednesday (23/2).
YOGYAKARTA- Indonesia is a pluralistic and religious country. This fact indirectly increased possibilities for intersection of interests and horizontal conflicts related to religious ideolo...
One more achievement has been accomplished by students of UGM.
YOGYAKARTA – Around 2400 graduates of UGM were provided direction and experience sharing by Hikmat Hardono, S.E, Akt., one alumnus who currently serves as Executive Director of Indone...
Yogyakarta- Climate change is the hot issue currently talked about by everyone around the world, including 144 participants from 37 countries who are following the International Youth Confe...
Yogyakarta- Climate change is the hot issue currently talked about by everyone around the world, including 144 participants from 37 countries who are following the International Youth Co...
YOGYAKARTA – Huanglongbing or CVPD (Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration) is a disease in citrus’s plant that is very significant and is a new emerging infectious plant disease, thus i...
Yogyakarta- I go home though I have no home, though the desire to go home is as strong as the desire to avoid it.
As a new institution, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) experienced problems which are not much different from those of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) in the U...
YOGYAKARTA – He was not young anymore, 49 years old. However, on last Saturday (19/2) night, about 5,000 audience at Graha Sabha Pramana were witnessing that Iwan Fals was able to ama...
To commemorate the 65th Anniversary, UGM Faculty of Law plants a number of teak trees in the area of East Kaliurang, Hargobinangun, Pakem, Sleman, Friday (18/2).
UGM and the Provincial Government of Yogyakarta Special Region will host an International Level Youth Conference entitled International Youth Conference 2011.
YOGYAKARTA – Faculty of Law inaugurated the office of Law Career Development Center (LCDC) for students and graduates of the Faculty, Saturday (18/2).
YOGYAKARTA – Governor of North Sulawesi Sinyo Harry Sarundajang officially gained doctoral degree from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada after maintaining ...
Meanwhile, Dean of Faculty of Agricultural Technology UGM, Dr. Ir.
YOGYAKARTA-University of Gadjah Mada (UGM) increasingly strengthens its cooperation with the Austrian government.
YOGYAKARTA- UGM Master of Management (MM), Faculty of Economics and Business cooperates with Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) for the development of Beji Village, Ngawe...
Indonesia became the fastest nation in HIV growth in Asia.
YOGYAKARTA-Chairman of the President Advisory Council, Prof Dr Emil Salim, hoped that universities get involved in finding solutions to the various environmental problems.