Berita Terbaru
Muslim society in Indonesia and other countries such as Malaysia and Thailand are often strike by "haram" issue in food ingredients and other related products.
Human Rights Upholding in Indonesia has reduced in terms of meaning that it became “Lawâ€, which has limitations.
UGM inaugurated six new officials. The inauguration was led by Deputy Rector of Administrative, Finance and Human Resources Affairs of UGM, Prof. Ainun Na’im, M.B.A., Ph.D., at the Mu...
Several Balinese students from the Hindhu Dharma student unit (KMHD) of UGM did the “Love Pendet Dance†campaign.
Again, UGM students gained a prestigious international achievement. Four students of Chemical Engineering department succeeded as the top 30 finalists of Mondialogo Engineering Award 2009.
UGM Geodesy Engineering department has just made cooperation with Timor Leste Government.
The former Head of Indonesian Intelligence Agency (BIN), Dr. A.M.
Alongside the Meeting of University Leadership, UGM Rector, Prof. Ir.
 The long lasting condition of the Wonosadi Forest at Beji Village , Ngawen Subdistrict, Gunung Kidul Regency in Yogyakarta has drawn the attention of the KKN PPM UGM.
UGM was saddened that Prof. Dr. Dibyo Prabowo, M.Sc., the retired Professor at Faculty of Economics and Bussines passed away on 19 August 2009 at 15.45 hrs because of heart disease.
UGM and Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI) have signed the cooperation deal at the Multimedia Room of Central Office of UGM on Friday (14/8).
Politics observer of UGM, Prof. Ichlasul Amal in a discussion entitled “Measuring the Success of Terrorism Handling in Indonesia†that was held in the Policy Strategy Study Cent...
The Paris Institute for Political Studies, Science Po University, France, offered scholarships for postgraduate and doctorate program to UGM students and undergraduate program for Senior Hi...
UGM’s Dharma Wanita Persatuan (Association of Dharma Wanita), or DWP in abbreviation, takes visit from 15 female Japanese dancers who are engaged in Sapporo Meeting of International ...
Death rate for babies in developing countries is still high, especially in the phase of neonatal, which is when a baby is less than a month old.
The abrogation of slavery that colors the revolution in France and Haiti in 1800s had become the marking of world market in a great scale.
UGM strongly supports all its faculties and departments to get into more international collaboration.
A discussion at the launching of the Wisdom Conference 2010 at Grha Sabha Pramana, Wednesday (12/8), produced a recommendation which was read out by the Rector of the State University of Pa...
For Women in Science is a unique program that is a product of public-private partnership that aims to acknowledge, encourage, and support women in science.
UGM launched the World Conference on Science, Education, and Culture 2010 at Grha Sabha Pramana, Wednesday (12/8).
UGM very much supports its students’ and staffs’ initiative on entrepreneurship.
Since the release of Inpres (Presidential Directive) No. 18 Year 1998, KUD (Rural Unit Cooperative) is no longer the sole cooperative at the level of sub-district.
Gelanggang Mahasiwa Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) is a mute witness of the movements of the students in Yogyakarta.
UGM welcomes 12 students of Ehime University , Japan , in the Assembly Room, LPPM, UGM Central Office, on Wednesday (5 / 8).
Engineering Career Center (ECC) at UGM’s Engineering Faculty is arranging an event called UGM Career Days on 14-16 August 2009 at Grha Sabha Pramana, UGM.
Only recently, the Geodesy Engineering Department of UGM’s Engineering Faculty cooperates with the Local Government of Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) County, South Sumatera Province, in ru...
The Indonesian Language and Culture Learning Service (INCULS) at Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University (GMU), was established in 2000 as a substitute of what was formerly kno...
At this moment, Gadjah Mada University has three boarding houses that function as the means to facilitate the welfare of GMU ‘s students, managed by the Sector of Student ‘s Wel...
GMU students come from various regions and levels or groups of society.
Pusat Pelatihan Bahasa, or The Language Training Center, has been established by Gadjah Mada University in recognition of the importance of foreign languages in the work and career aspirati...