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An expression of disappointment was delivered by the Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (PuKat), Faculty of Law, UGM, for the House of Representative’s stance which they considered in...
UGM students have once again inked a proud international achievement.
The Governor of the Province of Yogyakarta Special Region, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X, criticized that education in Java has not taught maritime and marine affairs which are more suitable...
           The provision of national beef supply still relies on government’s budget and has not involved the banking and private sectors as well as ...
Again, Universitas Gadjah Mada was grieving. Prof. Dr. Sasmito, Apt.
Can you imagine the Javanese traditional musical instrument gamelan being played together with the Korean traditional instrument samulnori? It is indeed hard to imagine, two different forms...
should not have been done. In his opinion, an oath taken in the name of God cannot be verified to know the intent of the person taking the oath.
Conducive psychological situation in group environment cannot always take place as expected.
Mulwa fruit or more often known as the custard-apple or wild sweetsop (Annona reticulata) has started to become difficult to find because there are not plenty of them being planted.
To reflect on Indonesia’s experience in implementing health decentralization policy during 2000-2007, it was a sudden process.
The loss of language means the loss of a social, cultural and spiritual heritage.
 Prof. dr. Sri Suparyati, Sp.A.(K), Ph.D., the lecturer of Faculty of Medicine, UGM,  was granted the Pediatric Award by the Asian Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA) in an ...
 Human Rights are rights that should be universally acknowledged as the rights inherent in human in order that they appreciate and tolerate each other. In the past two decades, ...
To anticipate more outbreaks of hepatitis as the one that has hit UGM, about 60 street vendors followed the Training of Food Safety for Producers and Consumers on Campus Food Court, UGM.
The Association of Veterinary Medicine Faculties of eight Indonesian universities has urged the Government to appoint a Deputy Minister of Agriculture from among veterinarians.
Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada, Prof. Ir. Sudjarwadi, M. Eng., Ph.D., Monday (2 / 11), inaugurated Prof. Dr.
The Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (PUKAT) of Faculty of Law, UGM, rejected the Police’s move that had arrested deputy chiefs of Anti-Corruption Comission (KPK), Bibit and Ch...
UGM won the Indonesia Managing Higher Education for Relevancy & Efficiency (IMHERE) grant, B2C component of the Directorate General of Higher Education amounting to 30 billion rupiah an...
In petroleum industry, the role of zeolite as catalyst is very important.
   Many people are concerned with the manner of students today.
Danone has once again launched the 7th business competition program "The Trust Challenge" for students in Indonesia.
         Over the last three years, the government has taken the initiative in drafting the Village Bill.
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta Provincial Government, and the State-Owned Electricity Company (PT PLN Persero) agreed to create the Independent Energy Village Program in Yogyakarta Pro...
Faculty of Medicine UGM inaugurated 16 foreign doctors from Malaysia. Dean of the Faculty Prof. Dr.
Indonesia still needs 9,000 vets more to meet the need for some 20 thousand vets until year 2020.
Today the world is facing many problems. Many countries expect Indonesia to be a partner to look for a solution.
Anthropology road map was actually from Prof. Koentjaraningrat, a maestro of Indonesian anthropology.
Along with community empowerment activities, to commemorate the 64th Anniversary of National Electricity Day, Faculty of Agriculture UGM spread catfish seeds in Wonosari Village, Ngrombol S...
UGM economist, Dr. Sri Adiningsih, criticized the plan to increase the salary of newly elected ministers.
Earthquake intensity in Indonesia keeps increasing. To reduce the number of victims following earthquakes, people should recheck their house construction, whether appropriate to endure the ...