Recent News
UGM Research and History Week Expo which was held from 22- 26 July at Grha Sabha Pramana was visited by at least 12 thousands people.
New Student UGM ready Facing MEA.
The Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X said that as a channel for alumni, the alumni association of Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAGAMA) should make a re-orientation, re-structu...
Public Lecture President of the Republic of Indonesia, food sovereignty and Energy Sovereignty.
UGM profile Video, "Deep in the Root High in the Sky".
Gait alumni of the University of Gadjah Mada Video. Taken in 2014.
Mahasiswa Baru UGM siap Menghadapi MEA.
Wakil bidikmisi pada saat menerima sepeda dari pimpinan Universitas.
Kuliah Umum Presiden Republik Indonesia, Kedaultan pangan & Kedaulatan Energi.
The bill of pornography has officially become the Law of Pornography.
In order to improve the involvement of industries in the research activities in universities, UNESCO Jakarta Office cooperating with LPPM UGM held Expert Group Meeting on Development of e-L...
At least 75 participants from Small and Middle Scale Enterprises (UKM) from Sleman, Kulon Progo, Gunungkidul, Bantul and Yogyakarta Regencies and BMT management staffs in DIY followed the U...
The Dean of Medicine Faculty (FK) of UGM Prof Ali Ghufron Mukti on Wednesday (26/11) in an international seminar entitled "Health Financing and Health Insurance in Developing Countries...
UGM always encourages its teaching staffs and researchers to act more in international forums by giving data for journal publication and research results presentation.
A team consisted of Geology Engineering students of UGM have been crowned as the general champion at the Geology Student Competition (GSC) 2008 in ITB Bandung, from 27 October to 1 November...
At least 30 public intellectuals from Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines consisted in the Asian Public Intellectuals (API) fellowship which is sponsored by the Tokyo-based...
Fakhrudin Al Rozi, a student from Aquaculture Department of Agriculture Faculty won the national environmental papers competition held by the Academic Directorate of Ditjen Dikti in Surabay...
UGM graduated 1422 students from undergraduate program and 250 students from diploma program.
The Economics and Business Faculty (FEB) UGM have opened the “honesty cafeteria†at the front space of FEB UGM.
Indonesia holds 55% of the world’s total sago forest, with 1.25 million hectare of sago forest; 148 thousand hectare are cultivated sago forest.
Indonesia is lacking records on Tsunami and Paleotsunami (ancient tsunami).
The researcher team from Agricultural Technology of UGM along with hundreds of farmers from 4 regencies in Yogyakarta developed a new technique in farming that can save water, seeds and fer...
Indonesian Forestry Students will host Forestry Students from across the world in the 37th International Forestry Students Symposium on 26 August to 9 September 2009.
At least 500 librarians from South East Asian countries will attend a seminar on “Mobile Libraries and Folklore Arranging in South East Asia†from 10 to 12 November at the Inna ...
The disaster study expert of UGM Dr Sudibyakto on Monday (10/11) said that the thunder storm in UGM has a wind speed of 70 to 80 km/hours and it was local.
The minister of Forestry of Indonesia MS Kaban put the first stone in the establishment of postgraduate building of Forestry Faculty of UGM on Saturday (8/11).
UGM has suffered more than IDR 12 billion loss caused by the thunder storm in UGM campus on Friday.
Gadjah Mada University and the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology (RISTEK) have agreed to form cooperation on the implementation of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (The Universityâ...
Astra Honda Motor (AHM) Foundation gave scholarships to 25 students of UGM.
A research team from Animal Science Faculty of UGM is now developing milk tablet, an alternative to overcome the malnutrition in kids.