Program ini dirancang selesai 3 (tiga) semester atau 18 (delapan belas) bulan. Dua semester untuk pendalaman realitas masalah sosial, konsep, teori dan paradigma di bidang pembangunan sosail dan kesejahteraan, satu semester untuk pembimbingan dan penulisan tesis. Total SKS sebanyak 45 SKS.


  • Social Policy focusing on the role of state to solve the social problems. Social Policy aims to protect the well-being of members of society.
  • Community Empowerment focusing on the process of enabling communities to improve their capacity.Communities are expected to manage their institutions, sources and local potential independently.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility focusing on social responsibility of private companies as their commitment to achieve welfare of society. Students will learn how to manage CSR which can mediate the interest of companies and society to improve the welfare of society.
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