Program Studi S2 Sosiologi bertujuan untuk menghasilkan Sosiolog yang mampu berdisiplin sosiologi, aplikatif-kritis, profesional, transformatif serta berwawasan global dalam memecahkan masalah bangsa. Dalam perkuliahan mahasiswa prodi S2 Sosiologi nantinya akan diarahkan untuk memahami The Logic of Sociology, melalui peta Teori Sosial, Teori Sosiologi Klasik, Teori Sosiologi Modern serta kaidah-kaidah penelitian. Sosiologi Fisipol UGM memiliki 2 piihan program pascasarjana yaitu kelas reguler dan double degree.


  • Sociology, This concentration focuses on industrialization, society and democracy, the relationship between the state and market, conflict, the dynamic of society and development, as well as culture as object of studies. Such objects are seen and studied through the humanitarian perspective of sociology.
  • Development and Democracy, This concentration delves into the holistic and in-depth study on the factors that influence policy making, such as development theories, the dynamics of social change, conflicts, social welfare, social policies, and public empowerment.
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