UGM Rector Opens Series of 75th Anniversary and 15th Lustrum Events

The Rector of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Professor Ova Emilia, officially opened the series of events for the 75th Anniversary and 15th Lustrum of UGM at Balairung on Friday (Jul.

UGM Sorai Waisai Team Optimizes Exotic Bird Tourism Potential

Raja Ampat Beach, with its white sands and the chirping of various birds, is truly extraordinary. Its natural splendor is genuinely captivating.

18 Innovation Products from Various Campuses Displayed at RekaTalks UGM

As many as 18 innovation results developed by lecturers from various universities were showcased at RekaTalks, themed “Showcasing Innovation: Bridging Greater Collaboration for Future Gro...

UGM Students Develop Educational Game for Waste Management

UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) students have developed an educational game to promote waste management.

UGM Students Install Rainwater Harvesting Technology on Karampuang Island

A team of 30 Community Service Program (KKN-PPM) students at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) has been working on community service activities on Karampuang Island, Mamuju Regency, West Sulawe...

Recent News


UGM Students Create EnviroBlock Bricks to Reduce Plastic Waste

  • 10 July 2024, 09.13
The Special Region of Yogyakarta faces a waste management problem following the closure of the Piyungan Landfill (TPA). To address this issue, a team of UGM students has innovated to reduce...
News Report

Rector of UGM Opens International AAS in Asia Conference Attended by Thousands from 43 Countries

  • 10 July 2024, 08.01

Semar UGM Wins Double Medals at Shell Eco-Marathon Asia and Middle East 2024

  • 9 July 2024, 15.15

UGM Students’ Aromatic Book Enhances Learning through Memory Calling

  • 9 July 2024, 14.22
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