Free Food, Focused Minds: UGM Faculties Team Up to Offer Free Breakfast for Students

Several faculties at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) are offering free breakfast for students during the final exam period this June.  Faculties providing free breakfast include the Faculty ...

Son of Farm Worker Earns 100% Tuition Subsidy to UGM Animal Science Faculty

Riyanta (49) broke into tears, unable to hold back his emotions, as he shared the news that his only child, Ahmad Yuli Setiawan, had been accepted into the UGM Faculty of Animal Science (Ani...

Scientists from UGM Develop Microalgae Technology to Address Climate Change

Microalgae have recently been recognized for their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. CO2 is absorbed and processed through metabolism involving large amounts of proteins, fats, and carbohyd...

UGM Forestry Faculty Serves Up Breakfast for Students

The UGM Faculty of Forestry (Forestry UGM) organizes a Morning Breakfast program to support students facing the final semester exams.

FEB UGM Invests in Student Success with Free Food and Encouragement During Exams

The UGM Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB UGM) provides free healthy food and drinks during the semester exams. This free food and drink initiative is part of the Mood Booster program, ...

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