UGM’s Faculty of Philosophy introduced Indonesian philosophy to US students in the School of International Training (SIT) Study Abroad programme from 11-22 February 2019.
As many as 19 students from 17 universities joined the programme. The universities are Cornell University, Emory University, Tuft University, Duke University, State University, University of South, University of Colorado Boulder, Saint Michael’s College, Barnard College, Bates College, Gettysberg College, atc.
“In this programme the US students will learn Indonesian philosophy that includes culture, religions, local wisdom, arts, language and Pancasila,” said Dean, Dr. Arqom Kuswanjono, on Monday (11/2) at Faculty of Philosophy UGM.
Arqom said the students would learn those things from UGM experts and also learn directly from the local people. For two weeks they would stay with the local people in Godean, Yogyakarta.
This would give them a direct description about Pancasila related to harmony, tolerance, cooperation, and working-together spirit. This would also reduce the negative sentiment of Islam and show the majority of Indonesians who are Muslim are actually peaceful and tolerant.
The students would later visit cultural and historical destinations in Yogyakarta such as Keraton Yogyakarta, Prambanan and Borobudur Temples, and batik centres. Besides, they would have the opportunity to visit houses of worship and religious teaching sites such as church and pesantren.
Grace Schumacher, Tufts University student, expressed her reason for joining the programme, which is to learn Indonesian language better and diverse Indonesian culture as well as religions.
“I’m interested in seeing the people in how they practise their respective beliefs,” she said.
SIT is a regular programme held by Faculty of Philosophy UGM since 2009 in February and September to introduce Indonesian philosophy, particularly to US young generation.