UGM Centre for Security and Peace Studies has launched a book entitled “Dua Menyemai Damai: Peran dan Kontribusi Muhammadiyah dan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam Perdamaian dan Demokrasi” (Role and Contribution of Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama in Peace and Democracy), which is research outcomes of the Centre.
It was launched amidst the discourse to propose both Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama organisations as Noble award recipients. The book describes the narratives done by players from both organisations.
“The book describes the contribution of both organisation in constructive and contributive roles in Indonesia,” said Head of the Centre, Dr. Muhammad Najib Azca, during the launching of the book on Thursday (17/1) at UGM Main Office.
The reputation of Indonesia as a democratic country, said Najib, has been acknowledged by many. Islam in Indonesia is called as ‘the smiling face of Islam in the world’. Islam in Indonesia has gone hand in hand with democratic development and peace.
“Apart from leading democratic transition process in the country, both Islamic organisations have also been actively contributing to peace building regionally and internationally,” he said,
Both were seen to be vital in Indonesia’s democratisation process because they developed religious arguments that go along democratic values and civil society enhancement.
Researcher from Boston University, Prof. Robert W. Hefner, who gave his input to the book praised how the Indonesian religious organisations handle plurality and apply the values of Pancasila while making democratic values embraced by the Indonesian Muslim majority. Both were also seen as bringing Indonesia to the world.
“It’s no secret that there has been a discourse for proposing Muhammadiyah and NU as Noble award recipients. Now through the internet, many world communities can see the success of Indonesia,” he said.
Professor of International Relations Department, Prof. Dr. Mochtar Masoed, said NU and Muhammadiyah have the role as “gentle civilizer” in terms of value, institution, policy or leadership. He viewed that amidst era of technology challenges, both NU and Muhammadiyah need to exercise their capacities to play their roles in meeting the challenges facing the country.