Educational laboratory officials play an important role in the implementation of Tri Dharma of Higher Education. In the industrial revolution era marked by various disruptions, they are urged to continue to grow following the current development.
“An educational lab official should not overlook the current development,” stated Mulyono, Sub-Directorate Head of Career Development at the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, Monday (10/29).
He delivered the statement at the national seminar entitled “Educational Laboratory Officials Towards Competency Certification in Laboratory Management” which took place on Monday and Tuesday, October 29-30, at Grha Sabha Pramana UGM.
Here, he explained some of the challenges in Industry 4.0 which was characterized by big data, internet of things, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and other technology applications. These changes, brought issues in human resources due to a shift in careers that removed old jobs and created various new jobs.
Industry 4.0, he continued, urges universities to evolve by developing study programs that support industrial needs. In this evolution, educational lab officials play a quite important role. Therefore, they must acquire good competencies that are proven through competency tests.
“The competency tests will focus more on assessing technical competencies because managerial, social, and cultural competencies have existed in the Employee Performance Goals,” explained Mulyono.
He noted, the test is carried out by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education, both centrally or held in each province at least twice per year. It can be done both online and face-to-face with 40% of portfolio material and 60% written tests.
UGM Rector, Prof. Ir. Panut Mulyono, M.Eng., D.Eng., while opening the seminar stated this seminar was one of UGM’s strategies to support the career development of educational lab officials to provide more benefits to universities.
“At UGM, labs are essential to support university performance. Aside from advanced equipment, they must also be supported by the operators. Therefore, educational lab officials must possess the expected competencies,” he said.
This seminar was attended by 325 participants and 95 speakers from various Indonesian state and private universities. All papers presented at this seminar will be published in proceedings, while the best papers will be published in the Indonesian Journal Laboratory.