Chemical Engineering Department of UGM holds an International Summer Course themed Global Perspective in Bioresource Technology for Water-Food-Energy Sustainability (WAFERS) from August 6-17, 2018. The program that launched on Tuesday (8/7) is a collaboration between the department with the Faculty of Agriculture and UGM Centre for Agrotechnology Innovations.
One of the organizers, Wiratni Budhijanto, Ph.D., stated that WAFERS is attended by 26 participants, while 24 are students from various universities in Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Australia, and France.
“At least 10 international speakers are also involved in this summer course, including from the United States, Australia, Japan, China, Malaysia, and Thailand,” Wiratni said on Thursday (8/10).
The topics are related to the three main pillars of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are water, food, and energy. The three things are considered as inseparable nexuses, even interdependent. However, the reality shows an imbalance where two are sacrificed to achieve one of the three. This condition must be changed to preserve the three prerequisites for human welfare for the future generation.
“Biological resources (Bioresources) are chosen as the focus for its renewable character so that the sustainability aspect of biological resources is guaranteed by the wise application of technology.”
In addition to classroom activities, WAFERS also presents activities to share experiences to build a global vision in creating new meaning of technology, namely strong humanism and sustainability to utilize technology in realizing SGDs cooperatively.
The program also holds a visit to several UGM project sites, including to Biogas Pilot Plant facility at Gamping Fruit Market, Microalgae Park in Nogotirto, and UGM Centre for Agrotechnology Innovations. Then, the participants are invited to explore one of the oldest and historic food industries in Yogyakarta, Madukismo/Madubaru.
The diversity of sustainable research that explores tropical natural resources becomes the main appeal of UGM and Indonesia. WAFERS can be a medium of demonstrating research excellence and the unique aspects of humanity in relation to technology. With this summer course, UGM is expected to emerge at the international level as one power to sustain the sustainability of the three main pillars of life – water, food, and energy, as well as contribute to global efforts in achieving SDGs.