Pancasila education is important to do to give the basics for primary and secondary levels. This is because currently, Pancasila is not given proper and correct attention. Hence, learning innovation model is needed to raise the spirit of nationality among young generation.
This was said by Dr. Listiyono Santoso, Head of MWKU of Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) Surabaya, in a national seminar themed the Development of Pancasila Education in School in Auditorium of Universitas Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta, Central Java on Monday (23/4).
According to Listiyono, character building in the primary and secondary level would not happen if the core values i.e. Pancasila were not discussed and instilled well. “Therefore, Pancasila became the core values of character building in primary education,” said Listiyono.
The seminar was hosted by UGM’s Centre for Pancasila Studies in collaboration with Universitas Slamet Riyadi (UNISRI) Surakarta. It was attended by 240 participants from primary to secondary school teachers around Surakarta. The event presented speakers, such as Prof. Dr. Ir. Kapti Rahayu (Rector of Unisri), Dr.Heri Santoso (Head of Centre for Pancasila Studies), Dr. Hastanti Widynugroho (grants recipient), and Dr. Listiyono Santoso.
Keynote speaker, Dr. Heri Santoso, said the seminar was part of outcomes of higher learning grants that was organised for the development of Pancasila learning model that is enjoyable in schools and rural areas.
Heri said educators were facing different generation context from the past and today. The past focused on the ‘what’ while the present on the ‘how’. So, educators nowadays are challenged to devise a method and model which is contextual and enjoyable for the millenial generation.
“In education, what needs to be emphasised is the mindset of the educator about their students,” he said.
Rector of Unisri, Prof. Kapti Rahayu, shared the views. In her opinion, in the millenial era we need to reformulate the model of Pancasila education which is enjoyable in school. This is important to do, because Pancasila is the tool that unifies the country.
Meanwhile, Dr. Hastanti Widynugroho opined that there were still negative assumptions on the materials or patterns of teaching of Pancasila. An innovation is therefore required on the learning of Pancasila subject in school.